Tuesday 21 August 2012

The Trials of the Blogsphere: My attempts at setting up this Blog.

Well, can I just say that this is about the third Blog I have created this semester for this course. Unlike my tech savvy Gen-Y colleagues, I am not a thrifty and switched on social media 'techpert' (tex-pert), I am everything but. I have fought my way through Wordpress, Bloggers.com and  now I am here, on Blogger and have found this is the easiest Blog to navigate.

I often wander why I have so much trouble adjusting to technology, I am always the last one in my group of friends to get the latest and most popular apps, I have no interest in on-line games and I only update my facebook status a few times a month.

Maybe I am just behind the times, or maybe I just find the whole idea of 24/7 connectivity daunting instead of innovative.

Hopefully this Blog will teach me to be more tech-savvy.

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